Contributing to the Profession


PhET Interactive Simulations

The University of Colorado Boulder has been hosting and even building some fun, mostly physics, simulations. A must for anyone teaching Newton's Laws of Motion. Feel free to use the Google form I made to check for comprehension in the Projectile Motion Lab. Find it Below


Engaging simulations that cover a wide variety of disciplines frome Finance, to Exoplanets, to Cybersecurity. I particularly like their Evolution Lab. I modified the PDF they provide as a printable packet into a series of Google Forms quizzes , feel free to use them yourself. Find it Below

Kerbal Space Program

Although its long-awaited sequel has just been released, the original Kerbal Space Program is still quite the detailed aeronautics and spaceflight simulator, and it only has modest system requirements, so your school computers might be able to run it as well. I made a check for comprehension quiz to do after going through the first four tutotials. Find it Below

Resource: Projectile Motion Simulation Virtual Lab

Projectile Motion

Free to All

NOVA Evolution Lab

Free to All

Kerbal Space Program

Occaisionally Goes on Sale for $0.00-$20 per license